Yerba is a fictional island country the gang visits in the episode Locked Up! The country is ruled by a Chancellor, who remains unnamed throughout the episode.
At the time of the filming of the episode, Yerba was at war with rebel forces. This is why soldiers are seen frequently throughout the episode. The national language is Yerbanian (a modified version of Spanish) mixed occasionally with English words when spoken. The Yerbanian language uses the Cyrillic alphabet. The landscape of Yerba is bleak and desolate, and the urban areas are poor and underdeveloped. Despite the fact that the gang stayed at the best hotel in the country, it was disgusting, and even the prison is unsatisfactory.
Yerba is a dictatorship and is well-known for its gravy made in prison.
The flag consists of a yellow stripe in a diagonal strip with a double-headed eagle-inspired symbol, covered with a pure red background. In vexillology, the red background is often representative of blood and valor, as well as courage and strength.[1] This is underscored by the current state of the Yerbanian nation; the current state, being in the midst of a civil war with rebel groups. The yellow stripe is often symbolic of its wealth and justice;[1] this statement is contrasted by the nation's injustice with the court, shown through Tori's defense lawyer's fear of rebellion. This is an example of totalitarian government oppression, whereby the government has control over all of the decisions, leaving the society to merely obey by the government's decree. The double-headed eagle is representative of the sovereignty of the nation and its declaration as a nation, rather than a territory.
According to Festus (on TheSlap), whose home country is Yerba, if you stand very close to a woman in Yerba, you are automatically married. Additionally a good Yerbanian wife is supposed to be able to pick up her husband and carry him like a baby.
In Yerba, fat cakes are made out of real sheep fat. Festus says they are delicious.
Ironically for Festus who works a food truck in Hollywood Arts High School, Yerba has a strict "no food truck" rule.
'Buddy' seems to be a common greeting in Yerba as it is often used by Festus and other Yerbanians. It is a Yerbanian custom to sniff other people's hands as a sign of friendship.
The Yerbanian currency is shvakles (shvaw-kullz). The Chancellor has placed a picture of himself and Cat on all the Yerbanian money.

The Chancellor put this picture on all the Yerbanian money.
Yerba is a developing country; it is said fluffy American boy hair is often sold for $400 per strand on the Yerbanian black market.
To become a doctor in Yerba, one must only play a surgery video game for four months or until the game is beaten, whichever comes first.
Jade woke up to find a giant lizard on her chest and supposedly killed it by biting it. This type of lizard is often collected by unwanted women in Yerba for companionship.
The vampire moth is a common insect in Yerba and has a venomous bite. It is supposedly lucky to be bitten, as surviving the bite is seen as 'lucky'.
In prison, the card game of Go Fish is played differently compared to the conventional method. Playing rocks is also a sport, although how it is played is unknown.
Known inhabitants[]
- Yerbanian Chancellor
- Sgrodis
- Sheema
- Ogg-Yob
- Kreploch
- Yorvis
- Yerbanian Military
- The Yerbanian flag is a mix of two different flags. It is unknown what the background flag is representative of, but the foreground symbol is similar to the Albanian double-headed eagle. This symbol is most likely inspired by the current symbol on the Albanian flag, where the color scheme of the Yerbanian flag bears a similar style to that of the Albanian flag.
Yerbanian Flag
- Yerba could be at civil war with either the rebels or with an area of their own country.
- The Chancellor's octopus was "equivalent" to the American Statue of Liberty, as it was a gift from the Prince of Gustavia.
- It is never stated where Yerba is located. Tori briefly begins to explain, but is interrupted by Sikowitz before she can finish.
- Yerba is mentioned in the iCarly episode "iStill Psycho".
- Yerba hotel keys are screwdrivers which are used similarly to lockpicking.
- The common greeting of calling others 'buddy' in Yerba could be a reference to South Park's Canada as the Canadians often call each other 'buddy', 'guy', or 'friend'.
- Yerba appears to resemble countries running under a dictatorship, especially Cuba, as it is also an island with similar army uniforms and its military environment. Some fans/viewers speculated that the builds and background locations could most likely be similar to Alcatraz due to the prison-related material/environment.
- The accent and mannerisms of Yerbanians is similar to that of Kazakhs and the character Borat played by Sacha Baron Cohen.
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References []
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "Colors as Symbols in Flags". Retrieved 9 Jan 2017.
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