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"Hi, can I get a five o'clock appointment for a foot bleaching?"

Who Did It to Trina?
Season 2, Episode 9
First Aired September 17th, 2011
Production Code 208
Writer(s) Dan Schneider
Director(s) Adam Weissman
Viewed By: 4.67 Million
Episode Guide
"Helen Back Again"
"Tori Tortures Teacher"

Who Did It to Trina? is the ninth episode in Season 2 of Victorious and the 29th overall. It aired on September 17, 2011 to 4.7 million viewers.



Jade in Tori's flashback.

Tori directs a play and is forced to cast Trina as the lead, since Trina took Tori's Cuddle-Me-Cathy doll and would only give it back if she could be the lead. On opening night, Trina's harness breaks during a scene and she falls, with the set crashing down on her. Questions then arise about whether the mishap was truly an accident — or intentional.

Lane notices that the gimbal used to connect Trina's harness has been cut and calls Jade, André, Tori, Cat, Robbie, and Rex into his office to try to figure out what really happened. Cat says it was a accident, and Jade, who recorded the accident and posted it online, adds on to say that it was a "terrible, hilarious accident." Everyone is declared a suspect until the real culrit is identified. Jade blames Tori for this mishap, saying she got into an argument with Trina before the play and threatened to kill her. Tori says that Jade's story is not true and explains she and Trina were only lightly arguing, and she never really threatened her. Robbie says Cat did it because she was mad at Trina for flirting with him. Cat didn't really know what happened to Tori and Trina, but rather described a scene from the "I Love Sushi" episode of Drake & Josh. Eventually, because everyone has a different story, they begin to argue. Tori stops them saying that even though Trina can be really annoying, nobody would want to hurt her, not even Jade. They decide Tori is right and decide to let it go, thinking that the harness was just old and broke on its own.

In the end, Robbie and Rex are shown talking in their bedroom, and it is revealed that Rex was the one who cut Trina's gimbal (with Robbie having to cover it up). Rex cut the gimbal to get back at Trina for punching him in the face before the play started. The episode ends with Rex claiming "Nobody ever suspects the puppet" and that it's okay if he says it.


André is very worried about missing his date with an "exotic", Polynesian girl, Keeko, who he recently met at B.F. Wangs. He constantly checks his phone and tries to leave the office so he will be able to see her, but Lane will not let him. In the end, André excitedly runs out of Lane's office to find Keeko when they are all let go.



Did Jade do it?


Or was it Cat? The one you least expect?

  • Absent: Avan Jogia as Beck Oliver. (This is Beck's last absence in the series)
  • When André questions why he has to stay, he says "Whyyyy?" like on Kenan & Kel.
  • Nathan Kress guest stars as an audience member. This was the second time an iCarly cast member has appeared on Victorious, excluding the crossover iParty with Victorious, with the first being Jerry Trainor's appearance as an audience member for Trina! in Jade Dumps Beck.
  • On, Lane said he was with Freddie at Tori's play.
  • This is the second time Trina is a central character, and she is in the rare situation as the one everyone else takes pity on.
  • Trina is absent for the rest of the episode after the play accident, except in the characters' flashbacks.
  • This is the second time Beck is absent in an episode where Trina is the central character. The first was The Birthweek Song.
  • This episode had both the same director and one of the same writers (Adam Weissman and Dan Schneider) as the iCarly episode that it aired afterwards, "iCan't Take It".
  • This is the first time the word "skunkbag" is used on the show.
  • This is the second episode of Season 2 to not feature any singing (Beck Falls for Tori being the first).
  • The sushi factory scene from the Drake & Josh episode "I Love Sushi" is shown to reference what Cat is actually describing.
  • This was the fourth time something has gone wrong for the opening night of a play, following Tori the Zombie, Rex Dies, Tori Gets Stuck.
    • Ironically, all these incidents involve the Vega sisters, except for Rex Dies, where Tori causes the incident which means it involves her anyway
  • This is the first episode since Locked Up! where Jade mocks Tori’s voice.
  • This is the first season 2 episode that has not featured a scene from the episode in the Opening Credits.
  • Tori has a Cuddle-Me-Cathy doll, which resembles a Lalaloopsy doll.
  • This is the second episode to have flashbacks (the first being The Great Ping Pong Scam).
  • This is the show's highest audience to not be directed by Steve Hoefer.
  • It is now known that Trina and Sinjin both get their feet bleached by the same person.
  • This episode establishes Drake & Josh as a show that exists in both iCarly & Victorious universes (Drake & Josh was shown in iCarly in "iGet Pranky"). However, this reckons the fact that Drake & Josh characters have appeared in both iCarly and Victorious, and still portray the same character that they portrayed in the show.
  • In Robbie's flashback, Ariana Grande uses her normal voice.
  • When Tori says, "I am gonna kill you so hard!", it could be a reference to an iCarly episode, "iPsycho", where Spencer says that same line to a fly.
  • André's line "Just start with Adam and Eve and go from there!" is a reference to the Bible.
  • André is the only character to not share his side of the story and have a flashback.
  • This is the first episode with Trina's name in the title.
  • Keeko is not seen or mentioned in future episodes, so it is likely she dumped André for being late for their date, or they did not work as a couple.
  • During the episode, Jade records Trina getting hurt, posts it online, and laughs during the meeting in Lane's office. She mentions the video had already caught 1,700 views, and later 26,000 views.
  • B.F. Wangs is a spoof of the restaurant chain P.F. Chang's.
  • B.F. Wangs has been mentioned other times in different iCarly episodes.
  • Rex is ultimately controlled by Robbie, meaning Robbie was the one who cut the gimbal.
  • The word "puppet" is said in this episode, but Robbie doesn't freak out.
  • This is the first episode that includes mysteries.
  • It is stated that when Rex uses the word "puppet", he doesn't get offended.
    Monster Jade

    A monster Jade, as Tori depicts her.

  • Rex's line "Nobody ever suspects the puppet!" is a reference to the Batman villain Scarface, who is a puppet.
  • This is the last time Jade impersonates Tori as a 1940s movie star, until the season 4 in the episode Three Girls And A Moose.
  • Almost everyone (except André, who only wanted to go out with Keeko) believed in Jade's story about Tori threatening Trina and intentionally punching Sinjin.
    • André only said Tori was guilty at one point as an attempt to leave.
  • In both Tori's and Jade's recount, Tori appeared to punch Sinjin in the head, but when Sinjin arrived at Lane's office, he was holding his right jaw, implying that it was his right jaw which was punched by Tori.
    • According to Jade, Tori punched Sinjin 20 minutes before the play started. However, he was working the sounds for the play after she punched him and seemed fine. He didn't come in asking for the nurse until long after Trina 's accident and the play ended.
    • Sinjin may have been talking about what happened in the commotion after Trina's harness malfunction; while Tori was worried about Trina's condition.
  • When everyone are telling Cat that she described what happened on Drake and Josh, Rex says “that show was a classic”. Jake Farrow, the voice of Rex, also played Gavin Mitchell on Drake and Josh.
  • Ending tagline: "I am gonna kill you so hard!" - Tori


Reactions to the episode have mostly been positive. The flashback scenes were lauded as notably funny, and that the episode builds up and keeps the viewer guessing much better than others. The flashback from Drake & Josh was also highly noted too. However, there were also some people who didn't particularly like how the rest of the gang never finds out who wrecked Trina's performance. The episode premiered after the iCarly episode "iCan't Take It" to 4.673 million viewers (80,000 less than said lead-in), also the second most-watched scripted telecast of the night, and the third biggest audience of the season.

Running Gags[]

  • André wanting to leave so he can see Keeko.
  • Flashbacks of the suspects who Lane believed cut the harness.
  • Jade watching the video of Trina’s accident.
  • Jade saying Trina's accident was terrible and hilarious, while simultaneously mentioning the video's view count.
  • Jade mocking Tori as an actress from the 40s.


  • Tori, Robbie, and Rex referred to Drake & Josh as a TV show. However, in Helen Back Again, Helen, who was also a character in Drake & Josh, exists in the Victorious and iCarly, as she mentions she used to be the manager at the Premiere.
    • Additionally, Gavin Mitchell, Eric Blonowitz, and Craig Ramirez (also from Drake & Josh) appear as themselves in the iCarly episode, iStart A Fanwar.
    • This type of error is known to occur in Dan Schneider's shows.
  • In the first promo, the green screen is visible on Jade's phone, and the screen is edited on in the actual episode.
  • After the mishap occurred, the gang went to Lane's office, and you can clearly see that it is daytime at Hollywood Arts, but the play was opening night, so it's not possible for them to stay overtime at school.
  • Sinjin claims Tori broke his jaw. A person normally cannot talk with a broken jaw, yet he talks, so he may have been exaggerating about his injury or thought it was broken when it was not.
  • After the wall prop fell, the wall is still standing right before Tori rushes over to get it off of Trina. In the following shot, the wall is on Trina again.
  • Trina seemed unharmed when the wall prop fell on her. In reality, she would be killed or seriously injured.
  • If Nathan Kress really was there as Freddie, he most likely went on the Hollywood Arts website and looked up events to go to while visiting LA.
  • Before Robbie said the rigging equipment was kind of old, he had his arm up; but from a closer angle, he is seen putting his arm up again.
  • During the play, Trina was wearing lipstick. But in one scene, before she grabs Robbie against her head, she wasn't wearing lipstick.
  • During the accident, Jade thanks Cat for making her come to the play. But in the flashbacks, she came to get the money Robbie owed her before the play, but Cat probably made her stay to watch the play.
  • In Robbie's flashback, Cat was speaking in Ariana Grande's actual speaking voice.
  • The "gimbal" in question is actually a carabiner. In reality, a gimbal is a type of camera equipment.


Trina: You look bloated have you been eating a lot of salt?

André: I gotta ask, I mean, don't take this the wrong way, but um…
Tori: Oh my god, I do look bloated?
André: No, well…nah.

Jade: Tori.
Tori: Yeah?
Jade: You wrote this play?
Tori: Yeah. Ya like it?
(Jade ignores Tori and sips her coffee)

Jade: Well, I guess someone should get this on video.
(starts recording Trina swinging uncontrollably with her PearPhone)

Jade: Thank you for making me come to this play.
Cat: Their poor ranch house.

Cat: Please tell me it's over!
(wall falls on Trina)
Jade: (reluctantly) It's over…(stops recording)

Tori: Poor Trina. I just don't understand what went wrong.
Cat: Don't worry! One time my brother was in Vegas, and he fell out of a fourth story hotel window and landed on the roof of a shuttle bus.
Tori: And he was okay?
Cat: No.
Tori: Well, but he's okay now?
Cat: No. (short pause) He's seriously messed up.

Jade: (chuckling, with screaming in the background)
Cat: What's so funny?
Tori: Are you laughing at that video Trina getting hurt?
Jade: No. I'm laughing at the comments.
Tori: You posted it online?
Jade: A little bit.

Tori: How's Trina?
Robbie: Is she alright?
Cat: How's the ranch house?
Lane: Trina's banged up, but she's gonna be fine. Nothing serious
Tori: Oh, thank god.
André: Yup. Bye!(tries to leave)
Lane: No-no-no-no-no-no-no. Sit down.
André: Whyyyy!?
Jade: Yeah, why do we have to be here?
Lane: 'Cuz. You all are suspects.
Rex: Aw, not again!
Tori: Suspects?
André: For what happened to Trina?
Lane: Mmm-hmm.
Cat: But that was an accident…
Jade: Yup. A terrible, hilarious accident. That already has seventeen hundred views.
Lane: Posting videos of people's tragedies is just mean and wrong.
Jade: Yeah, no…thanks. I really appreciate your input on that.

André: Hey, listen, I'd love to hang, but I met this girl named Keeko at B.F. Wangs and I--(completely showing his nerves)
Lane: Hey! (points at André to sit down)

Tori: Oh, come on. Nobody here would do that to Trina!
Jade: Except you.
Tori: Wh--me?
Jade: (Imitating Tori like a 1940s movie star) Who, me? Why, I would never hurt my dear sister Trina! Not me, sweet Sally Peaches!!
Tori: I don't talk like that!
Jade: Whatever. I saw what happened.
Lane: When?
Jade: Before the play, she and Trina were fighting.
Tori: We were arguing.
Jade: Yeah, and do all your arguments end in "I'm gonna kill you?"

Lane: Come in!
(Sinjin enters holding his jaw)
Sinjin: You know where nurse Kotter is?
Lane: No, why?
Sinjin: I think Tori broke my jaw.
(Tori feels guilty)
Cat: (singing) La la la la la…

Lane: Okay, why don't you tell us exactly what you saw and heard.
Jade: Sure. Uh…Let's see. It was about 20 minutes before the play started. (flashback begins) I walked into the Blackbox 'cause Robbie owed me 10 bucks and I wanted it back.(in flashback) Robbie!
Tori: Trina! TRINA!
Trina: What?
Tori: I gave you the lead in my play, now gimme my stinking "Cuddle-Me-Cathy" doll BACK!!!
Trina: Okay, okay. Just a sec, relax. Here, (hands Tori the doll)
Tori: Where is her BONNET!!?
Trina: (giving the bonnet) This thing?
Tori: What'd you do to it!?!?
Trina: Ahhhh, I might have blown my nose into it.
Sinjin: Hey Tori, I brought you some pansies.
(Tori punches and spits on Sinjin)
Tori: (to Jade) Why can't I be pretty like you? (flashback ends)

André: Oh c'mon, I know Tori and there's no way she'd ever- (phone text) Aw, it's Keeko! Tori's guilty, I gotta go!!

Cat: Why would I want to hurt Trina?
Robbie: 'Cuz of what happened between you two right before the play started
Lane: What happened?
Robbie: Well, um…
André: Aw, no, no! Now we gotta hear another version of the story from a unique point of view?! (crying on sofa)

Robbie: Ummmm, it was an unusually windy day here in Los Angeles…
Tori: Get to the point.
Robbie: Okay, uhhh, Tori had just accidentally whacked Sinjin in the jaw, (Robbie's flashback starts) and right about then, Cat was helping me with my costume and feeling my muscles…(Cat feels Robbie's muscle as Trina enters) when Trina walked by and said…
Trina: (flirty) Heyyy Robbie. Why don't you come backstage with me and, ah, help me with my makeup or…whatever.(both giggle)
Robbie: You…make me happy.
Cat: Why don't you just get outta here?!
Trina: Why don't you?!
Robbie: Ladies, come on now. Look, there's one of me, two of you, and seven swinging days in the week.
Cat: He even makes math hot!
Trina: Robbie's mine!
Cat: He loves me! (Trina thwacks Cat's forehead) Ow!!! You thwacked my head! She thwacked my head! I'll get you for that, Trina Vega! I'll get ya good!
(Cat angrily storms out. Trina giggles and feels Robbie's bicep as the flashback ends)

André: So, none of you want me to have a pretty girlfriend, is that it?! I find myself a Keeko, I make myself a Keeko date, and nobody cares! Well, that's cool! Go on, Cat; tell us what happened, and start from the beginning! Just start with Adam and Eve and go from there!!

Cat: So Tori and Trina realized that they had been tricked, so they needed to replace their furniture, and so (Cat starts laughing)…they…they got jobs packaging sushi…(flashback begins to the Drake & Josh episode, "I Love Sushi", where the sushi moves fast, and Drake and Josh try to keep up) but the sushi was moving way too fast…(laughing) and so…Tori and Trina couldn't keep up…(laughing) and things got so crazy!
Jade: Cat.(flashback ends and Cat is still laughing) Cat!
Cat: (stops laughing) Whaty?
André: That didn't happen to Tori and Trina.
Cat: No?
Robbie: It happened on a TV show!
Tori: Drake & Josh.
Rex: Hehe. That show was classic.
Cat: Oh, then I don't know what happened with Tori and Trina. Can I have some oatmeal?
Jade: No!

Rex: (to himself) Nobody ever suspects the puppet! Heh heh heh heh.
Robbie: I thought you hated that word.
Rex: It's okay if I say it.


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Video Gallery[]


HQ Who Did It To Trina - Promo - Sem Legenda

ved Victorious Episodes
Season One
PilotThe Bird SceneStage FightingThe Birthweek SongJade Dumps BeckTori the ZombieRobarazziSurvival of the HottestWi-Fi in the SkyBeck's Big BreakThe Great Ping Pong ScamCat's New BoyfriendFreak the Freak OutRex DiesThe Diddly-BopsWok StarThe WoodA Film by Dale SquiresSleepover at Sikowitz's
Season Two
Beggin' on Your KneesBeck Falls for ToriIce Cream for Ke$haTori Gets StuckProm WreckerLocked Up!Helen Back AgainWho Did It to Trina?Tori Tortures TeacherJade Gets CrushedTerror on Cupcake StreetA Christmas ToriBlooptorious
Season Three
The Breakfast BunchThe Gorilla ClubThe Worst CoupleAndré's Horrible GirlCar, Rain & FireTori & Jade's Play DateApril Fools' BlankDriving Tori CrazyHow Trina Got InTori Goes PlatinumCrazy PonnieThe Blonde Squad
Season Four
Wanko's WarehouseThe Hambone KingOpposite DateThree Girls and a MooseCell BlockTori Fixes Beck and JadeOne Thousand Berry BallsRobbie Sells RexThe Bad RoommateBrain SqueezersThe Slap FightStar Spangled ToriVictori-Yes
Films and Specials
Freak the Freak OutiParty with VictoriousLocked Up!Tori Goes Platinum