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"You're all great looking, and talented, and popular! I mean, you guys star in every play at this school! And you sing all the songs, and you do all the talking in class…you guys have it all! And you're really worried about which one of you has the most followers?"
Sinjin to the gang.

The Slap Fight
Season 4, Episode 11
First Aired January 19, 2013 [1]
Production Code 327 [2]
Writer(s) Dan Schneider
Christopher J. Nowak
Director(s) Steve Hoefer
Viewed By: 2.734 million [3]
Episode Guide
"Brain Squeezers"
"Star Spangled Tori"

The Slap Fight is the 11th episode of Season 4 of Victorious and the 58th overall.


Tori and the gang are caught up in a competition to see who can get the most followers on TheSlap. When Trina appears to have an outrageous amount of followers, Tori stays up all night trying to get more than her, meanwhile slacking off on her part of the short film she is doing with the gang: Socks & Violins. Jade and Beck leave the room the next day to get more followers, quickly followed by Cat and Robbie. Although André and Tori appear to be 'too cool' for it, they catch each other secretly trying to get the most followers as well. Cat's tactic is to post 1,000 random thoughts a day, Robbie holds a contest for his followers and gives himself a complete makeover, Beck takes hot pictures of himself and makes a live broadcast of himself washing his car shirtless, Jade threatens and scares people into following her, or as she puts it, 'gently suggesting' they follow her, André has his grandmother post for him, and Tori takes on a challenge.

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After a huge fight breaks out between Beck and André at lunch and Robbie confronts Cat about a false tweet she posted about him, they all turn on Tori. She defends herself, and André questions how Trina got all those followers in the first place. Sinjin tells them that three months ago, Trina told him she would teach him to jump rope if he changed her followers from 34 to 900, so he did. He tells them he's disgusted how the most popular, lucky kids at Hollywood Arts would get so caught up in seeing who can get the most followers, leaving them feeling ashamed. With 19 hours left to finish their short film, they manage to scrape it together, and it turns out comedic, with horrible acting from everyone. Finally, Trina teaches Sinjin to jump rope, and when she has him start the nursery rhyme, he refers to Trina as his wife, causing her to leave.[4]


  • According to a tweet by Matt, Avan, and Leon, and an interview by Victoria, Victorious was not renewed for a fourth production season, which means this was the last episode of Victorious ever produced.
  • Despite not being intended to be the series finale (but then again, Victori-Yes may not have felt like a finale either), a few events occur that seem rather fitting:
    • Tori and other characters have been posting on The Slap throughout the series during scene transitions, and now it pays off with the episode focusing on the site.
    • Sinjin puts the gang in their place, talking about how everybody is "great-looking, and talented, and popular", and how they should not let their challenge for more followers to get in the way of their friendships, leading to everybody making up with one another.
    • The last line of the episode, "I'm done with this" by Trina could also be a reference to the show ending production.
  • Beck's and Robbie's hair are shorter in this episode. This also happened in Beggin' on Your Knees.
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  • This is the 2nd time Sinjin is seen in the Vega's house, and the third time he was seen around the Vega house (Cell Block). 
  • The Kyoki Milk Challenge may be based off The Cinnamon Challenge.
  • This the second time Jade and Robbie acted as a couple for a movie.
  • This is the first time since Season 1, where Cat says "What that's supposed to mean?," after Tori blows into the trombone. Also, Cat says, "Tori, don't be sad." the same way as in Ice Cream for Ke$ha.
  • In Driving Tori Crazy, when Beck gives Tori and the Northridge Girls a ride, he claims his car is a 1967 Pontiac GTO. However, we only see the car from the windshield in that episode. The video where Beck is washing his car confirms at least the make and model of the car.
  • Sinjin breaks the fourth wall when he says that he's not usually allowed in the "Main people's houses" and mentions the main characters as the "Main People."
  • When Robbie dances and shows off his make up, and he says, "Would you follow me? I'd follow me," it was a reference to the film The Silence of the Lambs.
  • During the premiere of "Socks and Violins", Tori, Beck, Robbie, Cat, and André look really embarrassed after watching themselves speak their lines. This could be that they were really nervous about what the teacher would think or that they know how rushed and bad their acting was.
    • Trina's follower count was fixed to 977, but the next day, Tori tells everyone Trina has over 1,000 followers. This would be a goof, but when Jade checks how many followers Trina has, it says she has 1,022 followers.
  • Rex briefly appears on Robbie's TheSlap page, but he is absent for the rest of the episode.
  • When Tori catches André making a video for TheSlap, his phone is on the home screen and not TheSlap app. Also, all the other characters' phones were not on TheSlap as we know from Tori's status updates during cutscenes, TheSlap app is full screen. However, the top part of the phone (with the signal strength and battery) can be seen on Cat and Jade's phones.
  • Robbie having butt pimples is a reference to the iCarly episode “iHate Sam’s Boyfriend” when Freddie said pimples on your butt after Sam said and do you know what else I have.
  • When Trina is teaching Sinjin how to jumprope, he wears the same shorts Gibby wore on an episode of iCarly and Logan wore on an episode of Zoey 101.
  • On Netflix, this is shown as the last episode of the series, since this was the last episode produced and the episode order follows production code.
  • Ending Tagline: "You do it way more gentle than my mom does it." - Robbie.


  • Sometimes when Cat is typing, her thumbs don't match the letters she is typing.
  • Most of Cat's tweets were not shown on the actual website, but it's possible the show does not follow the real-life website.
  • If Sinjin hacked into TheSlap three months ago, it is unknown why Trina didn't teach him how to jump rope until three months later.
  • If Cat posted 1,000 tweets a day, she would probably hit tweet limit, like what Twitter has. However, since this show takes place in its own television universe, one imagines whether The Slap has a tweet limit or not.
  • During one part of the lunch table scene, the sign in the background briefly changes to 'Sam & Cat Coming Soon' before switching back to what it said before.
  • In "Socks and Violins", Jade's character has an eyepatch on her right eye, but in one shot, it is on her left eye before it switches back to her right eye.
  • Sinjin would have gotten into legal trouble for hacking into TheSlap.
  • Trina's follower count was changed from 34 to 977, but Sinjin told them he changed it to 900.
  • If Sinjin already made a short film for the same class the previous year, he wouldn't have to retake the class.
    • It is possible Sinjin failed the class and had to retake it.
  • During the short film when Jade is talking to André, the fruit in her cup would disappear then reappear a couple times. Also, her eyepatch changes from the right eye to left back to the right. It is possible the changes were deliberate goofs.


Sinjin: (To Jade) What does it mean…to be a woman?

Tori: You have 977 followers. How do you have so many?
Trina: Cause I'm amazing, I'm pretty, I'm smart, I'm pretty…

Tori: It's not my fault!
jade: Then whose fault is it?
Tori: Mine!

André: (to Jade) Where are you going?
Jade: To get more followers. (Leaves Sikowitz's classroom)
Beck: Jade, it's not important how many--I gotta get more followers. (leaves)
André: Beck, you can't leave. You gotta… (to Robbie) Where are you going?
Robbie: For a…walk in the sunshine!
Cat: Oh, I'll come with. I love sunshine!
Tori: Hey, are you guys just going to get more followers?
Robbie: No…
Cat: Yes, that's right.

Tori: Sinjin! Sinjin.
Sinjin: Hey, Tori.
Tori: What time is it?
Sinjin: Uhh…almost 8.
Tori: It's so weird…
Sinjin: What, that I'm wearing my underwear backwards? (whispers) How could you tell?
Tori: (whispers) I can't…
Sinjin:: Oh…what's up?
Tori: I was supposed to meet André and Beck, Jade, Cat & Robbie at 7:30 to shoot our short film.
Sinjin: Well, Robbie's in the janitor's closet.
Tori: Why?
Sinjin: Hey! I don't ask people why they're in closets.

André: Look, I can deal with having less followers than Trina, but I will NOT have less followers than Robbie! I cannot have it!
Tori: Pathetic!

Tori: Cat! Hey! Hey, Cat!
Cat: (tweeting) Tori just said 'Hey' to me.
Tori: You know, we're supposed to be shooting for our film right now for class.
Cat: (tweeting) Tori just reminded me about our short film…#don't…care.
Tori: Would you put your phone down and talk to me?
Cat: I can't. I'm doing a thousand tweets a day.
Tori: For what?
Cat: 'Cause, the more you tweet, the more followers you get.
Tori: Yeah, but, there's no way you can think of a thousand things to tweet everyday.
Cat: (tweeting) "I like birds, and cheese."

Jade: What's your guys' problem?
Beck: André is desperate' to get more followers.
André: At least I do my videos with my shirt on!
Beck: Well, nothing is as lame as lame as having somebody tweet for you!
Tori: Whoa.
Jade: Wooooow…
André: You can't prove that. Nobody can prove that I had anyone tweet for me.
Beck: Your grandmother's been tweeting for you and you know it.
André: You don't know chiz.
Beck: Oh-oh, don't I? Let's just read some of your tweets from last night. Uh, at 9:30, you tweeted "Ah! There's a martian under my bed!"
(Tori looks at André)
André: I thought there was…
Beck: And at 10:17, you tweeted "Help me! My vacuum cleaner wants to eat me!"
(Tori looks at André again)
André: I got confused.
Cat: (walks up to the table) Hiiiiiiii. (sits down and tweets) "I just sat down and said, 'Hiiiiiiii.'"
Tori: Cat, if you're just gonna sit there and tweet stupid, pointless tweets, then please go sit somewhere else.
Cat: (tweeting) "Tori is being mean to me. #cramps??"
(Tori looks offended)

Beck: What are "bimples?"
Robbie: Butt pimples! Pimples on one's bottom! Which I do not have
Cat: I know!
André: Then why'd you tweet that?
Cat: 'Cause, I ran out of real stuff to tweet, and anyway, people like reading weird stuff about other people.

Sinjin: Look, I just wanna say…you guys make me sick.
Beck: Why?
Sinjin: 'Cause! You're all great-looking, and talented, and popular. I mean, you guys star in every play at this school, and you sing all the songs, and you do all the talking in class…you guys have it all! And you're really worried about which one of you has the most followers? (Awkward silence)
Sinjin: Yeah. Ya feel the shame? 'Cause…you should feel the shame. (Leaves the table)
Cat: I feel the shame. Do you guys?
(Everyone agrees)
André: Man, we make Sinjin sick, and he eats food that other people chew up and spit out.
Robbie: I hate myself.
Cat: You've hated yourself for years.
Robbie: Yeah…
Tori: You know what? I am happier with the five real friends I have at this table than I would be with 20 million friends on a computer that I don't even really know. Jade: Wait-how do you get five?

(Trina teaching Sinjin to jumprope) Trina: …and jump, and jump, and jump, and jump! Sinjin: I think I'm getting it! Trina: Good! Now let's do our rhymes! Sinjin: Kay-kay! Trina: B, my name is Betty and my husband's name is Bob-
Sinjin: We live in Bubble City where we sell (hesitates) beaver medicine…
Trina: Why don't you start the next one?
Sinjin: S, my name is Sinjin and my wife's name is Trina-
Trina: (drops jumprope and walks away) I'm done with this.


Click Fight here to see the photo gallery for The Slap Fight.

Video Gallery[]


ved Victorious Episodes
Season One
PilotThe Bird SceneStage FightingThe Birthweek SongJade Dumps BeckTori the ZombieRobarazziSurvival of the HottestWi-Fi in the SkyBeck's Big BreakThe Great Ping Pong ScamCat's New BoyfriendFreak the Freak OutRex DiesThe Diddly-BopsWok StarThe WoodA Film by Dale SquiresSleepover at Sikowitz's
Season Two
Beggin' on Your KneesBeck Falls for ToriIce Cream for Ke$haTori Gets StuckProm WreckerLocked Up!Helen Back AgainWho Did It to Trina?Tori Tortures TeacherJade Gets CrushedTerror on Cupcake StreetA Christmas ToriBlooptorious
Season Three
The Breakfast BunchThe Gorilla ClubThe Worst CoupleAndré's Horrible GirlCar, Rain & FireTori & Jade's Play DateApril Fools' BlankDriving Tori CrazyHow Trina Got InTori Goes PlatinumCrazy PonnieThe Blonde Squad
Season Four
Wanko's WarehouseThe Hambone KingOpposite DateThree Girls and a MooseCell BlockTori Fixes Beck and JadeOne Thousand Berry BallsRobbie Sells RexThe Bad RoommateBrain SqueezersThe Slap FightStar Spangled ToriVictori-Yes
Films and Specials
Freak the Freak OutiParty with VictoriousLocked Up!Tori Goes Platinum