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This is the page of Cat Valentine's TheSlap posts.



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  • Cat: Happy 4 July! Did you ever wonder why they call it 4 July?!?


  • Cat: Did you ever wonder how your brain tells your toes to move? Do brains have toe sections?


  • Cat: I'm doing a peanut butter and jelly dance right now. But you can't see it.


  • Cat: What should I be for Halloween???
  • Jade: Be a cat. You'll be less confused.
  • Cat: I don't get it.
  • Jade: A cat. Since your name is CAT! You won't forget what you are, like you did last year.
  • Cat: Oooooh, I get it now! Yeah last year was confusing, I was a fox and people kept calling me CAT!


  • Cat: Hey, Tori. Welcome to Oooooh, I keep writing on my own board! :(


  • Cat: My dog has a black nose. It's like a baby meatball. So cute! - Stage Fighting


  • Cat: I like to yodel. I usually do it at home, but sometimes I do it at the grocery store. Everyone stares.


  • Cat: Last night I dreamt of tiny pink bubbles and when they popped they sounded like little kids giggling.


  • Cat: I love going to the park and looking at baby squirrels. Oh, and sometimes one of them throws a nut at me. I don't like that part.



Last avatar

  • Cat: I thought the ball freshener from the Sky Store was the most AWESOME thing ever, but THEN I discovered the world’s first earlobe massager.


  • Tori: Cat, why am I getting packages sent to YOU at MY HOUSE?
  • Cat: Hmmm... not sure what you're talking about. Must be a different Cat Valentine. Classic mixup. I'll make sure it gets to the OTHER Cat. Can I come grab it after school??
  • Tori: Fine. And btw, who needs an ankle bracelet that detects if you're within 20 feet of a deer in the middle of Los Angeles??
  • Cat: Deer are so cute!


  • Cat: Is it true that sweat & pee are cousins?


  • Cat: Do you think that dogs who wear clothes get made of fun by the other dogs who don't? I hope not. 'Cuz they're so cute!


  • Cat: Sometimes when I look out of my window, a random feather just falls from the sky. I wonder if there's a balding bird up there somewhere.


    • Beck: Just hit the caps lock button again.
    • Cat: ooooooooohhhhhhh. thanks, beck.


  • Cat: I've been thinking about what a bald bird would look like and I can't stop giggling. Poor bird. Wonder if they make bird wigs


  • Cat: I just bought a star on the Internet. My goal is to buy so many stars that I can spell out my name in the sky. Good idea?


  • Cat: I just ate sooooooooo much soup. When I walk, I can hear waves of soup swishing in my tummy.
    • Robbie: What kind of soup? I love broccoli cheddar but I'm allergic to cheese :(


  • Cat: Is happy!
  • Jade: Why?
  • Cat: Why what?
  • Jade: Why are you happy?
  • Cat: I'm not. I'm actually really sad today (Just heard flies live for only ONE day). :(
  • Jade: Then why does your status say "Is happy!"?????
  • Cat: Oh, that was a typo.


  • Cat: What did the young shrimp say when his mom asked him why he wouldn't share his toys?
  • Robbie: You've already told everyone that joke! Enough Already!
  • Jade: Say that joke again and I de-friend you. In real life.
  • Cat: I'm a little shellfish. Get it?!


  • Cat: I counted my eyelashes today. On my right eye, I have 153 eyelashes—which is more than the average person. Go me!


  • Cat: I wish people would stop the cruel practice of bear-knuckle fighting. What did the bear ever do to you?


  • Cat: Hangin' out at Paramour Studios with Crystal Waters.
  • Tori : You know you don't have to call me Crystal Waters anymore. We already got Beck his job back.
  • Cat: Oh hi Crystal!


  • Cat: I'VE GOT A NEW BOYFRIEND!!!! His name is Daniel. His hair is fuzzy.


  • Cat: Got a new boyfriend, punched Tori in the face, broke up with boyfriend, and got hot cheese in my ear. Not exactly in that order, but....


  • Cat: Why do all my therapists keep retiring early? It's such a strange coincidence. :(


  • Cat: I haven't tweeted in almost 4 hours. It's not that I didn't want to, but it's really hard to tweet when you're asleep.


  • Cat: Halloween's my FAVORITE holiday! Well, after Christmas.... and Thanksgiving... and New Years... and Labor Day... and Arbor Day... oh, and Groundhog's Day...


  • Cat: If shorts are called "shorts", why don't they call pants "longs"?


  • Cat: Cheerio! (That's English for Hello. Well, not English-English but British-English.) I guess I could've just said hi. Hi!


  • Cat: Guess what me and Jade are doing this weekend? Karaoke!
  • Sikowitz: Did you know in Japanese, Karaoke literally means "to sing as if dying"
  • André: Actually the literal translation is "empty orchestra."
  • Sikowitz: Oh well, yeah. I tend to make things up.


  • Cat: I'm lying on the floor in the shape of an "S" right now. Hahaha. This is fun.


  • Cat: I don't know why I'm craving carrots so badly?
  • Jade: Maybe it's because you've been watching your neighbor's rabbit for a week.
  • Cat: OMG. That's why!


  • Cat: OMG, it's a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!!!
  • Robbie: What is?!?!
  • Cat: I don't remember. I wrote that like 10 minutes ago.


  • Cat: Almonds are a girl's best friend!
  • Jade: You know it's "DIAMONDS are a girl's best friend" right?
  • Cat: OOOOH, that makes so much more sense.


  • Cat: When do I have to stop saying, "It's a Christmas miracle!" February?


  • Cat: Happy 1/11/11!! The ONLY thing cooler will be 11/11/11!
  • Jade: How about winning the lottery? That would probably be cooler.


  • Cat: I average about 407 texts a day. do you think that is too much? text ya later!


  • Cat: I heard that Valentine's Day was started by this guy named Valentine who just wanted a day named after him. I think he was my uncle.


  • Cat: My BF Daniel is mad at me. I didn't show up to dinner on V-Day. I totally forgot I was dating him. Oops.


  • Cat: My brother was arrested again. Apparently Santa Monica law doesn't allow you to swim in JUST your underwear. Well, now he knows.


  • Cat: I wish I could pick up more things with my toes. Life would be so much easier.


  • Cat: I wonder if Alaska and Hawaii ever feel left out.


  • Cat: Is there any good reason why a grown man would soak his feet in chicken fat?


  • Cat: What's the deal with hotel soap? Why is it so tiny?
  • Beck: Still doing your 80's comedian routine?
  • Cat: No, I really NEED to know. I'm on vacation and I'm really dirty.


  • Cat: I'm going to write the first thought that pops into my head. Okay here goes: "Guacamole Swimming Pool." K. Bye.


  • Cat: I quit my job at Northstar. All of the emergency calls started to stress me out ... and the pay was terrible.
  • Tori: You know you didn't actually work there.


  • Cat: I LOVE my new costume design class! It's like Halloween every day of the year!!! Hooray!


  • Cat: Last night I had a dream that I was eating a giant marshmallow. Then I woke up, the giant marshmallow in my bed was gone!
  • Beck: I can never tell if you're joking or not.


  • Cat: How do snapping turtles snap? They don't have any fingers. I HAVE fingers and I can't even snap!


  • Cat: How come only kids catch cooties? Is it because older people have already been vaccinated?


  • Cat: Hey friends! Check out my new blog! It's called CAT'S FUN PUN #1


  • Cat: Guess what I learned today? Baby food isn't that bad! Mashed carrots are delicious!
  • Sinjin: I like strawberry-banana.
  • Robbie: My fave is creamed peas.
  • Sikowitz: Coconut Medley is by far the best.
  • Tori: Guess what I learned today? All of my friends still eat baby food.


  • Cat: The best thing about Doug the Diaper Guy? He's not a party pooper! Oh.... I just got that. HA! HA! HA!


  • Cat: Cowboys ride horses. Shouldn't they be called horseboys?


  • Cat: At the Asphalt Cafe on a beautiful June afternoon! Wait, do we ever get a summer vacation?
  • André: Did you notice NONE of us are there with you?
  • Cat: Yeah, did you all skip?


  • Cat: Gibby is fun to hang out with and all, but I really miss Roger Mole. Does anybody know what happened to that guy?
  • Trina: Yeah, and what ever happened to that hideous Patty Schwab chick?


  • Cat: I hate when my brother plays "Hide and Seek" with the police.


  • Cat: How come manatees are called Sea Cows, but Cows aren't called Land Manatees???


  • Cat: Sunday afternoon naps are the best! Friday afternoon naps just aren't the same.


  • Cat: Going to rock band camp! The booklet says: "Fans Allowed." Who's coming with me??
  • Jade: Cat, they're not talking about "people" fans. They're talking about electric fans.
  • Cat: Oh, darn.


  • Cat: Hi my name is Cat and I have a mustache. I call it Cat-stache
  • Rex: This status update is a Cat-Stache-Trophe!


  • Cat: Read my Daily-To-Do-List! I'm gonna be updating it everyday this whole week. So you gotta keep checking back to see 'em all. Click Here To See It!or here :)


  • Cat: I am going to make a new friend today—and that friend is Ryan Seacrest! Check out my daily planner to see what else I'm up to today...


  • Cat: You know what I just realized? You can't tickle yourself. Bummer. I like being tickled and I'm all alone!
  • Robbie: I can tickle myself!
  • Rex: Robbie, stop being weird.


  • Cat: Going to a Sri Lankan restaurant with Jade called "The Hot & Spicy Pepper Palace." She likes watching me sweat while I eat.
  • Jade: Don't worry, you'll be fine.


  • Cat: I had a dream last night that a ballerina and a dolphin were throwing peanuts at me. Dreams are so fun.


  • Cat: I accidentally Grizzly Glued my lips together. (Don't ask how!) So I won't be able to talk for a few days. But at least I can still hum!!!


  • Cat: Today's Cat Pun Fun is brought to you by the word "Catastrophe." Read my new blog to find out why!

  • Cat: I'm dating a new guy named Dusty. Ironically, he's very clean. His parents should have named him Soapy.


  • Cat: What should I have at my next party: A bounce house, water slide, or ball pit?
    • Trina: Cat, only kids have those at their parties.
    • Cat: What's that supposed to mean?!?


  • Cat: How many high school boys does it take to change a light bulb?
    • Tori: I don't know Cat, how many?
    • Cat: I don't know! The light bulb in my bathroom is out and I need to know how many boys to call over to fix it.
    • Beck: Tori, you should never assume that Cat is telling a joke.


  • Cat: Running late for school today! My hair got stuck in the freezer again!
    • Jade: How on earth did that happen?
    • Cat: Cuz I was trying to see if my new hair dye exactly matched the color of a red ice pop! How else would it happen?


  • Cat: If given the choice between a bike and an alpaca, I'd chose the alpaca. You can ride both to school, but you can't snuggle with a bike!


  • Cat: Sometimes I wonder if my old nail polish gets sad when I take it off and put a new color on.


  • Cat: I got to use a giant pink umbrella today! Yay for rain!!!


  • Cat: I LOVE my new Jupiter Boots! They make life so much bouncier! Boing! Boing! Boing! Heeheehee!


  • Cat: I just met a celebrity at the grocery store!!! I totally forgot his name but he's that blond guy who was in that huge popular movie last summer! Wow!
    • Jade: Cat, you used so many words to tell us absolutely nothing at all. Congratulations.


  • Cat: My #1 goal in life had always been to drive around town in a giant cupcake. I feel very lucky. Not everyone achieves their goals in life.


  • Cat: I'm watching my French neighbor's cat. Does anyone know how to say "Don't pee in the house" in French? I don't think this cat speaks English.


  • Cat: I'm sick of waiting for Christmas! I want to celebrate it now! Ho! Ho! Ho!
    • Jade: You have no idea how much I hate you right now.
    • Beck: Jade hates whenever someone mentions Christmas BEFORE December 1.
    • Cat: I'm sorry. Do you want me to make you some figgy pudding to cheer you up?


  • Cat: When I'm 98 years old, do you think I'll still be able to... ooh, pretty rainbow. Bye.
    • Tori: Okay, now I really want to know what you thought you wouldn't be able to do when you're 98!
    • Cat: Oh, I was wondering if I would be able to... OMG my brother just got his head stuck in the toilet. Bye.
    • Tori: I give up. Guess we'll never know.


  • Cat: My brother's outside howling at the moon again. Whenever he doesn't shave for a few days he thinks he's turning into a werewolf.


  • Cat: My doctor says I need therapy. Does aromatherapy count? I hope so, I love smelling things.


  • Cat: My brother told me he bought 23 Christmas trees. A few hours later, the cops took them back to the park, and replanted them.


  • Cat: If anyone wants FREE cotton candy, come see me! Larry the Candyman will be happy to make cotton candy for everyone!
    • Tori: Larry didn't seem that happy the last time I saw him.
    • Robbie: Yeah, he had a murderous look in his eye...
    • Cat: Oh that's just how he is. Classic Larry!


  • Cat: What do teachers do on half-days? I think they have a big tea party! I asked Sikowitz but he wouldn't tell me.


  • Cat: @ the Santa Monica Pier. Things were going great until I got yelled at by a mime. Mimes can be angry people sometimes.


  • Cat: Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!! Y'know, I should have done this update yesterday so I could have said Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve!


  • Cat: I LOVED 2011!!! I got to dress like broccoli, party with iCarly AND Ke$ha, and ride in a giant cupcake! 2012, can you top that?!


  • Cat: Yay! Only 353 days till Christmas!!! Yippeee!
    • Jade: STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!


  • Cat: I may not be as smart as Einstein, but at least I can sing better! At least I think so... anyone know if Einstein was a good singer?


  • Cat: I'm bored. Is there anywhere in LA that I could go elephant riding? It's like the only thing I want to do right now. Mood: Bored


  • Cat: Yay! School on Saturday! It's like a vacation. No wait, it's the opposite. #Confused. Mood: Excited


  • Cat: Just bought some non-prescription glasses cuz I wanna look smart. Just call me Alfred Einstein! Mood: Brilliant
    • Tori: ALBERT Einstein.
    • Andre: The glasses don't seem to be working.


  • Cat: Does my thumb look Spanish? Mood: Wondering


  • Cat: Dog-sitting my mom's boss' dog, Coober! You guys can come over if you want. Just don't call him Cooper. He hates that.
  • Cat: Hawaii doesn't sound the way it's spelled. Neither does Wednesday. English doesn't make sense.


  • Cat: I want to buy my dad a tie from Thailand. That's where all the best ties are made.


  • Cat: Having a bad day? Feeling down? Let me and Robbie cheer you up thru song! La! La! La! (See you feel better already!.


  • Cat: Happy Birthday Jade!
    • Jade: It's not my birthday.
    • Cat: Oh good, cuz I forgot to buy you a gift.


  • Cat: I'm so glad I'm in color again! I don't know how people in the 50s were able to live in black and white!


  • Cat:I always feel bad that dogs aren't allowed to eat chocolate. That's probably the number one reason I'm glad I'm not a dog.


  • Cat: I wish they made water-proof PearPhones. I always feel chatty while I'm in the shower.


  • Cat: Anyone wanna go to the ballet with me this weekend? I was going to take my brother but the judge said he's not allowed to be near ballerinas.


  • Cat: Apparently, most girls don't store candy in their bras. Weird. So where DO they keep their gumdrops?


  • Cat: Million dollar idea: High-heeled shoes that turn into flat shoes by hitting a button on a remote control. I'll call them Shorty Shoes.


  • Cat: I tried to do a self-portrait of my final art project, but it was too hard! So i drew a bunny with red hair instead. Maybe my teacher won't notice.

  • Cat: Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble. Bibble.
  • Tori: Uh, Cat . Watcha thinking about there?
  • Cat: Oh, nothing. Why?
  • ​Cat: I'm sleeping in a motel tonight because my brother accidentally flooded our house. On the plus side: complimentary tiny toothpaste!


  • Cat: I just drew a little man in my shoe, but now I can't wear a skirt because I'm afraid he'll see my underpants.


  • ​Cat: Am I still considered a redhead even though that I technically don't have hair anymore?


  • Cat: I honestly think a squirrel in the park said "God Bless You" to me today. But the weird thing is, I didn't sneeze.


  • Cat: My hair is starting to grow back! Maybe if I sing to it, it will grow even faster. LAAAAAAAAA!!!!


  • Cat: Cut my foot stepping on a seashell! Who's going around throwing seashells all over the beach?!? That's called littering, people!


  • Cat: Alright, it's true. I'm not a real blonde. I'm just a plain old redhead. :( Wait. I'm actually not a real redhead either. I'm such a faker.


  • Cat: I just found out what an e-book is. For the longest time I just thought it was a book about the letter "E".


  • Cat: At the mall hanging out with a vow. (edit: Sorry, that should say hanging out with a COW. Stupid auto correct.)
    • Tori: Usually edits make these things clearer. Not this time.


  • Cat: A sentence that no one has ever written before: Pretty pink elephants love hot air balloon rides over fields of purple daisies.


  • Cat: OMG my uncle just called. My aunt was just thrown off a mountain!!! Nevermind, I heard him wrong. She just threw a penny into a mall fountain.


  • Cat: Just dropped some food on the floor. How long is the "Five Second Rule" good for again?


  • Cat: I want a license plate that says "Cat's Car" so I'll never forget which one is mine. Oh and the car will be bright pink... just because!


  • Cat: Did you know you can't light firecrackers on Labor Day? My brother got arrested for it! Of course he was in a grocery store.


  • Cat: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Tori: What's so funny?
    • Cat: Ha, nothing, just an inside joke with myself.


  • Cat: All-nighter at Wanko's! Being trapped in a warehouse with your besties is so much fun!!!!! I want to taste the alarm laser!


  • Cat: I'm on a juice cleanse this week! I bathed in orange juice this morning and feel soooo much healthier already!
    • Tori: Ummm, Cat. That's not how it works.


  • Cat: It is so hard to type on my phone and tap dance at the same time!
    • Tori: Then why don't you just stop tap dancing while you type?
    • Cat: That's crazy talk!


  • Cat: People will believe anything you say with confidence. Watch this: I AM A 7-FOOT-TALL MARTIAN! You believed that for a second didn't you?


  • Cat: I got all my holiday shopping done early! But the only thing at the store was Halloween stuff. Hope you guys like Jack-o-Lanterns for Christmas.


  • Cat: Jade does an awesome impression of me! Monkeys on trampolines. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
    • Cat: Hey! I didn't write that. Jade logged into my account!
    • Andre: Well to be honest, I couldn't tell.
    • Cat: Well, I guess she does do a good impression of me. And monkeys on trampolines are hilarious. HAHAHAHAHA!


  • Cat: Cute boys LOVE hamburgers. I should open a restaurant and call it "Burgers for Boys."


  • Cat: I wish my life was a music video. Then it wouldn't be weird if I sang by myself in the laundromat.


  • Cat: I used to think whipped cream was actually made from clouds. But then yesterday someone told me that they weren't. My whole life is a lie.


  • Cat: Am I too old to go Trick-or-Treating? My family won't buy sugar anymore because it makes my brother go bonkers. It's my only way to get candy!

  • Cat: I voted for cheese!
    • Tori: Uh, Cat. This was the presidential election...
    • Cat: Oh :( Well I really wanted Gruyere to win. It's my favorite cheese.

  • Cat: I'm thankful for my feet! Because if I didn't have feet, I couldn't tap dance! And then I'd fail my tap dancing class.

  • Cat: Did you ever notice the word "ROOF" is just the word "FOOR" spelled backwards? I can't believe I just now realized that!
    • Rex: Man, it's a good thing you're pretty.

  • Cat: I've got a baby butterfly living in my ear… how's your day going?

  • Cat I poured milk in my marshmallow cereal, waited for the milk to change color, and then spooned out the cereal. Now I'm drinking blue milk!

  • Cat: Y'know. Robbie's a great guy. Sweaty hands and all.

  • Cat: I wish they made plates out of bread. That way, after you eat lunch, you don't have to do any dishes. You just eat your plate!
    • Robbie: You know they have bread bowls, right?
    • Cat: OMG! Where do I get one of these bread bowls???
    • Robbie I'll take you out to lunch at my fave place.
    • Cat I changed my mind. Bread bowls sound weird. Who would want a bread bowl? Not me.

  • Cat: At Neutronium Records - searching for Bibble. They've gotta have a secret stash around here somewhere!

  • Cat: My brother's tarantula is living in our Christmas tree. He's like a hairy, terrifying little ornament.

  • Cat: Don't you hate waking up on Christmas morning to find that your brother ate all the presents? (P.S. None of them were edible)

  • Cat: Happy Birthday 2013! I didn't get you a present. Sorry about that.

  • Cat: Please DO NOT go on Pear Maps and look up Hollywood Arts. If you do, DO NOT zoom in on Jade. P.S. She's NOT picking her nose

  • Cat: I don't think you're allowed to sucker-punch teenagers on game shows. Someone should inform the Brain Squeezers people.

  • Cat: Welcome to Cat's Tweet Fest: 2013!!! Become my fan and see all the cool and interesting tweets on my profile page!
    • Tweet #1: I like pepperoni pizza, but hate pepperonis by themselves. I bet pepperonis are glad pizza exists or they'd never get eaten.
    • Tweet #2: Do cows get cavities? Because I've never heard of a cow dentist.
    • Tweet #3: Sikowitz is wearing a toupee today. #NotFoolingAnyone
    • Tweet #4: My tomato soup just burnt my tongue! Hottttttttt!!!!
    • Tweet #5: What am I doing right now? I'm writing a tweet on my phone! Kind of obvious.
    • Tweet #6: I'm going to sleep now. I'll tweet again in exactly 8 hours! Yawn!
    • Tweet #7: Good morning! I just woke up! And I've got morning breath. Blech!
    • Tweet #8: I wish Sinjin would stop using the girls' bathroom. It's strange.
    • Tweet #9: I have 2 hairs on my arm that are longer than the rest of 'em.
    • Tweet #10: It must be hard to design clothes for birds.

  • Cat: I'm done tweeting. I can't think of anything else... Well, I guess THIS technically was a tweet... Okay... NOW I'm done.

  • Cat: I'm moving to Venice to live with my Nona! Venice, America NOT Venice Italy! Just in case anyone is as confused as I was.

  • Cat: Why's there a fairy that collects your teeth when they fall out but NOT a fairy that collects your hair? Sikowitz would be rich!

  • Cat: Guess what I'm wearing??? They're pajamas! They're jeans! They're leggings! It's a hoodie! It's a poncho! It's a Pajelehoocho!!!!

Segments on TheSlap
Jade with TotsWhat I HateCat Crashes Jade's HouseBeck and Jade's Relationship AdviceTori Takes RequestsCat Interviews Cute BoysCat Makes the Elderly LaughCat Teaches the ElderlyTrending Now!Public Service AnnouncementRex SingsCat's Random ThoughtsCooking With BeckCat Tells Jade a JokeCat and Jade's Bedtime StoryAngry Freak OutRobbie's ReviewsCat's Homework HelperChristopher Cane InterviewsRobbie's ImprovPranking SikowitzThe Funny Nugget ShowDrive-by-Acting ExercisesTweet Time with CatTrina's Acting WorkshopTrina's Open LettersTori Don't Care 'Bout Nothin'
Character Posts on TheSlap
List of Posts by Cat ValentineList of posts by Beck OliverList of Posts by Rex PowersList of Posts by SikowitzList of posts by André HarrisList of posts by FestusList of posts by Jade WestList of posts by Lane AlexanderList of posts by Sinjin Van CleefList of posts by Tori VegaList of posts by Robbie ShapiroList of posts by Trina Vega
André's Date DefenseBeck and Jade's RV RacerBeck Escapes Hollywood HottiesCat's Alien WipeoutChasing ToriCupcake GetawayDiddly-Bops' Food DropDitch the FishFreak the Freak Out: Confused KaraokeHollywood BeatsHollywood Beats 2Jade's Prom WreckerKwakoo's Sushi TowerMood MatchRex's Dunk For A BuckSikowitz's Acting ChallengeSinjin's Locker GameSkate With CatThe Great Ping-Pong GameTheSlap Cookie WrapTheSlap TriviaTori's Mustache BashTori's RacewayWanko's Warehouse Stacker
Characters' Profile Videos
Beck's Profile VideoTori's Profile VideoJade's Profile VideoCat's Profile VideoRobbie's Profile VideoSinjin's Profile Video