Cat interviews Jesse
Cat Interviews Cute Boys is a series of blogs created by Cat Valentine on TheSlap. These videos usually involve her tricking boys she finds attractive into thinking they're invited to a party, which in reality turn out to be opportunities to do one-on-one interviews with them in her bedroom, many of which are of a flirtatious nature. The boys also leave quickly after the interview, being weirded out by Cat. Two episodes have been shown so far, this means two boys have been interviewed. Both episodes were written by Dan Schneider.[1]
Cat Interviews Cute Boys Martin
Cat Interviews Cute Boys: Martin
Cat asks Martin (Jordan Andrusky) questions, such as where Martin grew up and what he likes in a girl (specifying hair color and flipping her hair in his direction while asking, "Redheads?"), as well as feeding him grilled cheese she says she made herself, playing romantic music, and dancing with him (she compliments him on his dancing skills.)
Cat Interviews Cute Boys Jesse
Cat Interviews Cute Boys: Jesse
In the second video, Cat leans her head on Jesse's (Aldo Quintino) shoulder and asks him to feel her freshly-washed hair, then asks him what kind of dreams he has (asking if he dreams of sports, cars, girls, or one girl in particular, implying herself). She also asks him what his favorite musical note is, and when he does not know how to respond, demonstrates her singing ability while leaning in close to his face, then kisses him and asks flirtatiously which note was his favorite.

Cat kisses Jesse

Cat goes on a "date" with Martin